The progress of the fifth expedition to the
International Space Station (ISS) will be discussed during a
Mission Status Briefing at 2 p.m. EDT Thursday, Aug. 8, from
NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston. The briefing will be
broadcast on NASA Television.

Mission officials will offer an update on activities aboard
the ISS by Expedition Five Commander Valery Korzun and Flight
Engineers Peggy Whitson and Sergei Treschev, who will soon
enter the third month of their mission on the complex. They
are due to return to Earth this fall.

The briefing will feature information on two upcoming
spacewalks by the Expedition Five crew planned for August 16
and 23 to continue the external outfitting of the Russian
segment of the ISS.

Participants for Thursday’s briefing include:.

* John Curry, ISS Flight Director

* Dianne Murphy, Expedition Five Increment Manager

* Cindy Begley, Expedition Five Lead Spacewalk Officer

* Vic Cooley, Expedition Five Increment Scientist

NASA Television is available on GE-2, Transponder 9C at 85
degrees West longitude, vertical polarization, with a
frequency of 3880 MHz, and audio of 6.8 MHz.