WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) longest-serving Administrator, Daniel S. Goldin,
announced his resignation, effective November 17. House Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) and Ranking Member Ralph M.
Hall (D-TX) released the following statements:

“Oh behalf of all of the members of the Science Committee, I want to thank Mr. Goldin for his dedicated service to our nation. We wish he and his
wife Judy all the best. It is my hope that the White House will appoint a new NASA Administrator as soon as possible, to ensure a smooth
transition in management of the agency,” said Boehlert.

Hall stated, “I want to express my deep appreciation to Administrator Goldin for his years of service as NASA Administrator. He has put his heart
and soul into improving the space agency during his tenure, and the nation owes him its gratitude. I want to wish him all the best in his future
endeavors, and I hope that we can continue to have the benefit of his counsel in the coming months and years.”