The following is a statement by NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin on the
President’s intent to nominate Office of Management and Budget Deputy Director
Sean O’Keefe as his successor.

“I would like to offer my congratulations to Sean as he begins the nomination
process to become NASA’s next Administrator. I look forward to assisting in the
transition of my leadership of America’s space program to Sean.

“Nearly ten years ago, I accepted a job that was the fulfillment of a lifelong
dream. I’m sure that Sean must feel the same excitement and anticipation I first
felt when I was nominated as Administrator.

“I feel blessed to have had the unique opportunity to serve the people of this
nation in an area so tied to the hopes and dreams of all Americans. I hope that
Sean will feel equally blessed when he assumes his new job. The President has
nominated a man of intelligence, energy and deep integrity. I wish Sean well.

“The President intends to nominate Sean to what I feel is the best job in the
world, leading a team made up of the best people I’ve had the privilege to know.
There is no more dedicated group of people serving any agency in the federal
government. I am sure NASA’s creative and diverse workforce will give Sean the
same outstanding support it’s given me these many years.”