The Coalition for Space Exploration applauds action yesterday by the House Appropriations Committee recommending full funding for NASA’s space exploration programs.

“The Committee’s endorsement of America’s space exploration program is another important step forward to ushering in a new era of discovery and innovation, improving our quality of life and expanding our understanding of the world around us,” said Joe Mayer, Chairman of the Coalition’s Public Affairs Team.

In addition to funding NASA’s FY08 budget request for exploration, the Committee increased overall NASA spending levels by $313 million, directing extra resources to space science, aeronautics research and education outreach programs. Consideration of NASA’s budget by the full House of Representatives is expected later this month when it takes up the FY08 Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Bill.

Action by the House Appropriations Committee follows a similar recommendation by its Senate counterpart. The Senate Appropriations Committee also has endorsed full funding for exploration, while adding $150 million to NASA’s budget request of $17.3 billion to supplement resources available for space science programs.

Senators Mikulski (D-MD), Hutchison (R-TX), Shelby (R-AL) and Landrieu (D-LA) also plan to offer a $1 billion “NASA Restoration Amendment” in the Senate to replenish unanticipated budget requirements made necessary by Shuttle Return to Flight and recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board.

“Momentum in Congress continues to move in the direction of bipartisan support for exploration, thereby inspiring future generations, promoting technological innovation and expanding opportunities for scientific discovery to understand, manage and protect our world,” said Mayer.