The following is a statement from AIA
President and CEO John W. Douglass on the administration’s proposed initiative
for manned space flight:

The aerospace industry welcomes today’s proposal from the White House to
begin a new phase in America’s manned space flight program. By putting
together a road map for the post-shuttle era, the administration has served
notice to the world that the United States is ready to blaze new trails in the
exploration of space, and very importantly, that it plans to remain the global
leader in space for the 21st century.

Keeping manned space flight as the centerpiece of our space program is in
agreement with recommendations made last year by the Commission for the Future
of the U.S. Aerospace Industry. AIA is pleased that the administration has
incorporated the commission’s recommendations into this initiative and we look
forward to working with Congress and the administration to start fleshing out
their proposals in the political process.

This initiative will also give Congress and the administration an
opportunity to accelerate aeronautics research and development programs that
will inspire and challenge the next generation of designers, engineers and
astronauts to shoot for the moon-and far beyond.

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