We astronauts of the Association of Space Explorers mourn for the crew of STS
107 and extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the
seven brave souls who so selflessly dedicated their lives to the cause of
scientific and human discovery.

The river of our sorrow runs deep and wide, yet we remain undaunted by the
task that lies before us. We join the families of the crew in asking that the
nation honor the legacy of our fallen colleagues by charting a course that
will take us safely back to orbit and ultimately, beyond. To do otherwise
would be an abdication of our responsibility to those explorers who must, and
will, fulfill our destiny in space.

Space exploration is an inherently risky endeavor and we ask that the nation
and the world remember that these risks are willingly accepted by those who
make the journey on behalf of all humanity. The sacrifices made by our fellow
astronauts were in the service of science and expanding the horizons of human
knowledge; these activities are undertaken by a small number of people from
only a few nations, but they are to the ultimate benefit of all people here
on planet Earth.

We are humbled and comforted by the support of our friends and colleagues
from all around the world and we are renewed in our commitment to continuing
along the path of exploration and discovery. We shall never forget the
sacrifices made by the explorers who have gone before us, and we shall
persevere for the benefit of the generations who follow.

Association of Space Explorers-USA
1150 Gemini Ave.
Houston, TX 77058
281 280 8172
281 280 8173 (fax)
888 633 1708 (toll free)