“I am extremely pleased by the Senate’s adoption last week of a
budget resolution for Fiscal Year 2005 that assumes the President’s
budget request for NASA.

“The Senate’s action is a critical first step. The President’s budget
request for NASA will allow us to safely return our Space Shuttle fleet
to flight status and to meet our commitments for the International
Space Station. The budget also allows us to begin thoughtful and
responsible implementation of NASA’s Vision for Space Exploration to
return to the moon and continue our exploration of Mars,” NASA
Administrator Sean O’Keefe said today.

The amendment crafted by Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) was adopted by
the Senate with the support of Chairman Don Nickles (R-Okla.). This
effort was the culmination of hard work both in Committee and during
Senate debate on a bi-partisan basis. The budget resolution sets the
broad parameters for spending and revenue of the federal government for
each fiscal year.

For information about NASA and agency programs on the Internet, visit:http://www.nasa.gov