The shareholders of Starsem (EADS, the Roscosmos Russian Federal Space Agency, the TsSKB-Progress Samara Space Center and Arianespace) met for the company’s Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, May 17 in Berlin, Germany.

On this occasion, they approved the results of the financial year ending December 31, 2005, during which Starsem performed three launches that successfully orbited the Galaxy 14, Venus Express and Giove-A payloads. This activity generated sales of 97.82 million euros, with a net profit of 1.27 million euros.

In addition, the Annual General Meeting named the following as directors of the company:

  • François Auque,
  • Françoise Bouzitat,
  • Alain Charmeau,
  • Alexander Kiriline,
  • Jean-Yves Le Gall,
  • Alexander Medvedtchikov,
  • Boris Melioransky,
  • Victor Nikolaev.

At the completion of the Annual General Meeting, Starsem’s Board of Directors met to name Jean-Yves Le Gall as the company’s Chairman & Chief Executive Officer (which is in addition to Le Gall’s parallel responsibilities as the Chief Executive Officer of Arianespace). The Starsem Board also named Victor Nikolaev as the company’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer. In addition, the Board paid tribute to the personal actions of Jean-Marie Luton during the past 10 years in supporting European-Russian space cooperation, and decided to name him Starsem’s Honorary Chairman.

Starsem plans to perform three launches this year: MetOp 1 (Eumetsat), Corot (CNES), and Giove-B (ESA); followed by three missions in 2007: Radarsat 2 (Canada), and Globalstar 1 and 2 (Globalstar). In parallel, Starsam is actively participating in the development and preparation of the new Soyuz launch facility at the Guiana Space Center.

Aaron Lewis
Director of Media and Government Relations
Arianespace, Inc.
601 13th St. NW 710 North
Washington D.C. 20005

+1 (202) 628-3936 (main)
+1 (202) 628-3949 (fax)