SSC, a global provider of advanced space services, today unveiled SSC Infinity, a new ground operations service that offers customers full flexibility for small satellites and constellations. The new endeavor aims to lower costs while providing reliability to the SmallSat and CubeSat market. SSC has begun installing new small aperture antennas as part of its Universal Space Network expansion. The service’s launch was the highlight of SSC’s presence at the 32nd Space Symposium.

“Recent growth in new, SmallSat and constellation-based space applications throughout the world has driven the need for a new approach to ground segment operations.” said Leif Osterbo, president of SSC’s Satellite Management Services Division. “SSC Infinity is that new approach. Our service reduces costs and risks associated with launch, insertion, system and constellation checkout.”

SSC Infinity, which leverages the latest technology, consists of a range of highly automated services that use full-motion antennas in the 5-meter or smaller class. These antennas are optimized for communication with small satellites and constellations. These small aperture antennas can be augmented, when needed, with larger ones that are equipped to meet the needs of the most demanding SmallSat or constellation of satellites.

Using its ground stations at strategic locations around the globe, SSC then provides coverage that allows frequent satellite contacts for telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) and data download with low-latency data recovery. To support CubeSats, SSC Infinity makes use of normal configurations and standardized ground system hardware. By limiting the number of mission configurations and using pre-qualified radios, most costs associated with pre-mission configuration are eliminated.

SSC Infinity also comes with a web-based customer interface for pass scheduling. Plus, SSC technical operations staff is available 24/7 to augment mission operations during critical maneuvers.

“SSC understands the rigors of constellation orbit-raising, a feat that can span many months of intense activities,” Mr. Osterbo said. “Our dynamic operational concept and its high level of automation allows for rapid rescheduling within the whole ground network. This enables a high resistance to failures due to single-station outages, and provides high performance on a network level if required by the customer application.”

SSC Infinity includes streamlined service level agreements that come with standard terms and conditions and numerous pricing plans based on priority, antenna size, availability and bandwidth usage. Adjustable service and priority levels minimize the cost of services.

About SSC
SSC provides advanced space services to commercial and institutional customers worldwide. Built on decades of experience, we offer proven expertise in space engineering, satellite management services and launch services for sounding rockets and balloons. We Help Earth Benefit From Space.