Dear NASA Quest Mail List Members,

Greetings from NASA Quest to you! This week’s posting is a longer than average
due to the number of upcoming events to share with you.

>>>> WON Celebrates Global Science and Technology Week <<<

Tish Krieg, Women of NASA project manager, has been hard at work organizing
the Women of NASA Celebrates Global Science and Technology Week

In honor of Global Science and Technology Week, May 7-13, 2000, NASA
Quest’s Women of NASA project ( ) will produce
a week-long series of interactive on-line events to celebrate NASA women
working on international scientific collaborations and the international
diversity of our female scientists. Students, parents and schools
worldwide are invited to join in and gain an appreciation for
international perspectives that will better prepare them to participate in
the world’s interdependent high-tech economy and the global scientific

See for
complete details. Register for the Quest Forum

>>>>> Don’t Miss these NASA QuestChats <<<<<<<<

NASA Quest also has an exciting schedule of QuestChats this week…
See for more details and registration

Tuesday, May 9, 2000 9 AM – 10 AM Pacific

Aerospace Team Online QuestChat with Mary Reveley, Aerospace Engineer, who works with
a propulsion systems analysis group to determine how aircraft and engine designs will perform.

Tuesday, May 9, 2000 10 AM – 11 AM Pacific

Mars Millennium & Space Scientists QuestChat with Daniel Winterhalter,
Space Plasma Physicist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA

Tuesday, May 9, 2000 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Pacific

Space Team Online QuestChat with Brion Au, Senior Project Engineer,

Wednesday, May 10, 2000 10 AM – 11 AM Pacific

Space Team Online QuestChat with Jim Draus, NASA Test Director – Kennedy
Space Center

Wednesday, May 10, 2000 11 AM – 12 PM Pacific

Women of NASA Global Science & Technology Week QuestChat with Lynn Cline

Thursday, May 11, 2000 4 AM – 5 AM Pacific

NASA Quest QuestChat with Jeff Plescia Research Scientist, Planetary Geology
U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Thursday, May 11, 2000 2 PM – 3 PM Pacific

Space Team Online QuestChat with Laura Hoppe, Flight Controller
INCO (Instrumentation and Communication Officer) NASA Johnson Space Center

>>>> Upcoming live WebCasts <<<<<<

Next week three live WebCasts are planned — see the Learning Technology Channel
schedule of live events at

Tuesday May 16 ISS/JSC Tour 8:00 am PDT (11:00 am EDT) again at 9:45 am PDT
(12:45 pm EDT) and again at 10:45 am PDT (1:45 pm EDT) 1 hr

Tour Johnson Space Center, the center for manned spaceflight and
headquarters for the International Space Station Program.

Tuesday May 16 US Dept. of ED Satellite Town Meeting 8:00 pm EST hr

Connecting with Youth: High Standards and Safe Schools

Wednesday May 17 KSC Shuttle Countdown: Landing to Launch

10am PDT 1pm EDT 5 GMT 1.5 hrs

The launch pad Mike and Brandt show you around the launch pad and
the continued servicing of the Shuttle for its upcoming mission.

Wishing you an exciting week with NASA Quest!

Please share this information with your learning community!

Jan Wee, Moderator of the NASAQuest Mail List


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