ATLANTA, February 19, 2013 – SpaceWorks Enterprises, Inc. (SEI) today released an update to its nanosatellite and microsatellite market analysis study. The study presents the latest observations, trends, and projections for the nano/microsatellite market. Projections indicate more than 100 nano/micro satellites will need launches annually in the year 2020 and beyond. The study summary is available in presentation form as a free download on the SpaceWorks website here.

Since 2008, SpaceWorks has actively monitored global nano/microsatellite activities to provide its clients with valuable insight into this growing market. SpaceWorks is currently tracking 377 identifiable nano/microsatellites with masses between 1 kilogram and 50 kilograms in various stages of planning or development. As a service to the small satellite development and launch communities, SpaceWorks regularly publishes summary updates of its nano/microsatellite market research, such as the one released today. Historical launches and publicly announced plans for future launches serve as a basis for projection of the quantity of nano/microsatellites that will launch between 2013 and 2020. Data concerning future launches is sourced from the public announcements of small satellite operators, launch vehicle providers, government agencies, and other organizations.

Projections indicate continued growth in the nano/microsatellite market, with an estimated range of 121 to 188 nano/microsatellites (1-50 kg) that will need launches globally in 2020 (versus 33 in 2012). The Nano/Microsatellite Market Assessment by SpaceWorks shows that nano/microsatellite launches have grown by an average of 8.6% per year since 2000, with an expected 16.8% growth per year over the next 7 years (2013-2020). Analysis of trends by sector show that nano/microsatellite development continues to be led by the civil sector (including academic), but the defense/intelligence community is showing increased interest and involvement. Analysis of trends by purpose suggests that applications for nano/microsatellites are diversifying, with increased use in the future for science, Earth observation, and reconnaissance missions.

“Small satellites continue to gain traction as their utility becomes apparent to a diverse user base,” stated Mr. Dominic DePasquale, Director of Washington D.C. Operations for SpaceWorks. “Our quantitative research confirms that small satellites have proven their value and that the market is likely entering a growth phase. We offer our study’s summary presentation as a resource for the community and for those interested in understanding this market better.”

SpaceWorks internally maintains a broad Orbital Satellite Database (OSD) to track historical and future satellites in all size classes. More detailed analysis and custom assessments of the nano/microsatellite market and larger satellite classes are available to interested clients. Summary Document Link (SpaceWorks Nano/Microsatellite Market Assessment 2013):

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Contact: Dominic DePasquale
SpaceWorks Enterprises, Inc.
Telephone: 1+202.503.1753 (office)

About SpaceWorks Enterprises, Inc. (SEI)

SpaceWorks Enterprises, Inc. (SEI) consists of three operating divisions: SpaceWorks Engineering, SpaceWorks Commercial, and SpaceWorks Software. SpaceWorks Engineering provides advanced space concept design and analysis services to a variety of traditional aerospace clients spanning government, industry, and academia. SpaceWorks Commercial serves as an incubator for new business ventures and partnerships for which SpaceWorks has a financial interest or strategic role. SpaceWorks Software develops and sells aerospace software and mobile applications. SEI was founded in 2000 and is a privately held S-Corporation. (

Dr. John R. Olds
SpaceWorks Enterprises, Inc. (SEI)
1040 Crown Pointe Parkway, Suite 950
Atlanta, GA 30338-4741 USA