SpaceWorks Enterprises, Inc. (SEI) announces the addition of Dr. John Dec to its team as a Program Manager. Dr. Dec brings a wealth of experience and his primary responsibility will be managing hardware product development activities at Terminal Velocity Aerospace, LLC (TVA). Additionally, he will be supporting SpaceWorks projects with the Department of Defense, NASA, and commercial-space industry.

“I’m very pleased that John will be joining our family of companies,” said Dr. John Bradford, President and COO of SpaceWorks. “His experience with numerous flight projects at NASA and expertise in thermal systems will be a great addition to the SpaceWorks team.”

Prior to this position with SpaceWorks, Dr. Dec was a senior thermal analyst at NASA Langley Research Center. During his 16 years at NASA, he acquired knowledge and experience in the design and analysis of spacecraft thermal protection systems (TPS), hot structures, and spacecraft thermal control systems. He is also experienced in a broad range of topics related to spacecraft thermal analysis, passive thermal control, thermal system design, TPS sizing, aerodynamic heating assessment, and vehicle thermal performance. Dr. Dec made substantial contributions on programs such as the Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (HIAD) flexible TPS, the Crew Exploration Vehicle TPS Advanced Development Project, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter aerobraking, Mars Odyssey aerobraking, Hyper-X, and Mars Sample Return Earth Entry Vehicle.

Dr. Dec received his B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology.

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