Spaceport Sweden AB has signed a strategic partnering agreement with QinetiQ Ltd, to identify, explore and exploit opportunities in the fields of commercial human spaceflight (CHSF), research and exploitation.

Under the agreement, Spaceport Sweden and QinetiQ will initially use the Flight Physiological Centre (FPC) in Linkoeping, Sweden to develop a world-class preparation program for CHSF passengers.
“Spaceport Sweden is establishing commercial human spaceflights and Europe’s gateway to space and is proud to be partnering with QinetiQ to further our development and offering. Initially we will seek to develop and deliver a world-class spaceflight preparation program together, where future space travelers will emerge prepared, confident and relaxed, ready to maximise their journey to space”, says Karin Nilsdotter, CEO of Spaceport Sweden.

The FPC’s centrepiece is one of the world’s most advanced Dynamic Flight Simulators (DFS), combining a man-rated, long-arm centrifuge and flight simulator. The DFS provides a safe and highly controllable environment in which CHSF passengers can experience the sustained periods of increased acceleration present during launch and re-entry and allows for the precise re-creation of the complex and unique ‘G’ profiles generated by future commercial space vehicles.

“QinetiQ seeks to capitalise on its extensive technical expertise and aerospace experience providing world-class services for the emerging commercial human spaceflight industry. Spaceport Sweden is a key partner for us and our agreement a perfect fit between two pioneering organisations,” says John Childs, Business Development of QinetiQ Ltd.

Renata Chlumska, the Swedish adventurer, a member of Spaceport Sweden’s advisory board, is booked on Virgin Galactic as Sweden’s first female space tourist and is looking forward to realising her dream of experiencing weightlessness and experience earth from a different perspective.
“I always prepare for an adventure. To get a flavour of how the G-force will affect me -or not, is the best preparation so I can just relax and enjoy the ride when it is time for take-off. The possibility to step into the world of space already here on earth is a fantastic and unique opportunity,” says Renata Chlumska.

About Spaceport Sweden

Spaceport Sweden is a pioneering initiative to establish commercial human spaceflight in Sweden and become Europe’s gateway to space, a center for excellence and cross-industry innovation. Located in Kiruna, Swedish Lapland, Europe’s premier space city since 1957, Spaceport Sweden work together with selected partners to offer customers unique world-class space adventures and learning experiences, further supplying launch infrastructure, R&D facilities and high-tech expertise to commercial space operators.

About QinetiQ

QinetiQ is a global science and technology organization with over 50 years of experience and technical expertise, and powered by some of the sharpest minds in the aerospace business. Trusted by corporates and Governments QinetiQ has undertaken pioneering scientific research and is a world leader in aeromedical test and evaluation services, human research and test pilot training, operating the world-class Flight Physiological Centre in Linkoeping.