The Board of Supervisors of the Spaceport
Florida Authority has selected Edmond Gormel to serve as the second
executive director of the state’s space agency. The board voted
yesterday to extend an offer to Mr. Gormel after a public meeting and
interview, and after reviewing resumes from 20 candidates. A committee
of board members will now enter into negotiations with Mr. Gormel to
establish employment terms and an official start date.

“We are privileged to have found the right person to lead the Spaceport
Florida Authority into its next decade of operations, said Board Chairman
Ron Morris. Mr. Gormel will bring excellent qualifications and
experience to the job.”

Mr. Gormel will replace Edward A. O’Connor Jr., who is retiring after
serving as the Spaceport Authority’s executive director since 1990.

Mr. Gormel has over 35 years of experience in aerospace industry
management and operations, and has been a member of the Spaceport
Authority’s staff since July 2000. Among his previous leadership
positions, Mr. Gormel has served as Executive Director of the NASA/Air
Force Joint Performance Management Office at the Cape Canaveral
Spaceport; Director of Plans for the Air Force 45th Space Wing; and
Director of the Eastern Test Range. He has received several awards
during his career from government organizations involed in the aerospace
industry, including the Navy Superior Civilian Service Award; the Air
Force Meritorious Civilian Service Award; the NASA Exceptional Service
Medal, and the Hammer Award for excellence in reinventing government.

The Spaceport Authority was established by Florida’s governor and
legislature to support the retention, expansion and diversification of
the state’s space-related industry. Empowered as a transportation
authority, the Spaceport Authority financed, owns or operates several
launch support facilities at the Cape Canaveral Spaceport and elsewhere
in the state, including three launch complexes, a hangar for reusable
launch vehicles, a launch control center, a launch vehicle integration
facility, a rocket motor storage facility, and other multi-user
infrastructure. The Spaceport Authority also works closely with
Florida’s universities and community colleges to support statewide
space-related research, technology and education programs.