The tragic events on Saturday morning have left our company, NASA, and the
nation as a whole stunned and saddened. SPACEHAB is part of the NASA Team
responding to the incident under their leadership. We ask that all questions
related to the shuttle investigation be addressed to NASA.

SPACEHAB provided a pressurized laboratory, known as the Research Double
Module (RDM), mounted within the shuttle’s payload bay as part of this NASA
science mission. The RDM is comprised of two of our four flight units that
are used for research and logistics purposes. Our modules, in varying
configurations, have flown on 15 missions prior to STS-107.

At this point, we can offer no information on the Columbia incident. Like
the rest of the NASA community, our thoughts are with the crew and their
families during this difficult time. While we work to support the
investigation, we will continue our operations in support of NASA’s Space
Flight Program.