Follow-On Work for Hybrid Rocket Motor Development And Space
Facility Build-out Add Over $1 Million in New SpaceDev Contracts

POWAY, Calif. – July 31, 2000 – SpaceDev, Inc. (OTCBB: SPDV), the
world’s first publicly traded commercial space exploration and
development company, announced today that the National
Reconnaissance Office (NRO) granted SpaceDev two separate, follow-
on awards of over $400,000 each for further hybrid rocket engine design
and development. These awards directly follow SpaceDev’s recently
completed NRO contracts related to SpaceDev advanced hybrid rocket
applications and its orbital transfer vehicle work. California’s Western
Commercial Space Center (WCSC) has awarded SpaceDev a $200,000
grant to help build-out and equip its satellite and space vehicle
manufacturing facilities.

Under NRO contracts and a recent $105,000 award from the California
Space & Technology Alliance (CSTA), SpaceDev will perform hybrid
motor test firings and evaluation. Hybrid motors could be a critical
technology for on-orbit maneuvers and orbital transfers, and long-term
on-orbit storage for SpaceDev and its government and commercial
customers. SpaceDev will also develop specific mission and utility
analyses to support NRO objectives.

SpaceDev is developing a commercial product line of small and cost-
effective space vehicles with broad range capabilities – Maneuvering And
Transfer Vehicles (MATVs). This relatively inexpensive product line
uses hybrid motors, and currently consists of three MATV designs from
25 kg to 100 kg in size. For each size, there are three degrees of
intelligence from the low-end “dumb” micro-kick motor, to the high-end
intelligent version which includes SpaceDev’s highly capable single
board SpaceComputer product, SpaceDev’s MST-21 S-band variable
power transceiver product, and such features as three axis stabilization.

John Bodle, SpaceDev’s MATV Program Manager commented, “We
are thrilled with the NRO and WCSC awards immediately following our
recent CSTA award for hybrid motor testing. These four contracts permit
our commercial hybrid motor products to mature faster than originally
planned. The benefits of hybrid motor technology provide a foundation
for our commercial customers and their on-orbit needs as well as
providing the NRO with innovative and cutting-edge technology. These
awards help to further demonstrate the long-term benefits of SpaceDev’s
storable, restartable, efficient, and environmentally friendly propulsion
product line.”

After acquiring the intellectual and data rights to American Rocket Company (AMROC) hybrid rocket motor technology in 1998, SpaceDev initiated conceptual and preliminary designs of an inexpensive space vehicle product cap
able of boosting small and secondary payloads into longer-life orbits. With internal funds and support from the NRO, SpaceDev has expanded the original thinking to include such concepts as maneuvering on-orbit to support
satellite inspection, rendezvous, docking, repair, satellite moving, de-orbiting, and refueling missions.

Current MATV versions fit the Shuttle and most commercial launch vehicles designed to carry small secondary spacecraft to earth orbit and beyond. Currently, the smallest SpaceDev MATV weighs 25 kg and the largest, 100 kg
. SpaceDev plans include larger manned and unmanned hybrid engines and orbital maneuvering vehicles for commercial customers and government missions.

SpaceDev’s hybrid motor fuel is solid, inert, and safe. The oxidizer is gaseous, non-toxic and self-pressurizing at room temperature. This elegantly simple and comparatively inexpensive motor design includes only one mo
ving part, a valve, and supports a major mission benefit: long-term storability on the ground and on-orbit. SpaceDev’s hybrid motor technology is restartable and relatively clean burning because its fuel and oxidizer are
primarily hydrocarbons, nitrogen, and oxygen.

Commenting on the multiple recent awards, Stan Dubyn, SpaceDev’s President and Chief Operating Officer said, “It is always an honor to receive follow-on contracts from customers. It shows that our hard work and focus on
low-cost, innovative space products are paying off, and that our customers recognize and appreciate the value of SpaceDev’s work. In addition, we are elated that the State of California is reinforcing their commitment to
retain and expand the infrastructure needed to support California-based space exploration. I can’t overstate the importance of the new wave of entrepreneurial space companies to California’s economy, in terms of job cre
ation and new tax revenues. We are seeing a major resurgence of space-related interest and activity in the San Diego area, and I believe SpaceDev is at the leading edge of this new wave.”

With WCSC assistance, SpaceDev’s new multi-functional facility will support the manufacturing of SpaceDev space vehicle and propulsion systems, satellites and spacecraft, and the assembly and testing of their flight syste
ms, including avionics, and other related activities for ongoing and future commercial and government space programs. The Space Assembly and Test (SAT) facility will be on-line for satellite system integration by the end
of 2000.

SpaceDev and its teaming partners will also use the new SAT facility in the near term for assembly and integration of hybrid rocket motors for the MATV product line. In addition, SpaceDev will use its SAT facility to int
egrate and test its UC Berkeley CHIPSat spacecraft, planned for launch during the first quarter of 2002 on a Boeing Delta-II launch vehicle.

The completed SAT facility will include an 1,800-square-foot Class-100,000 clean room, electrical assembly and test laboratories, and separate mechanical assembly, inspection, and payload change-out areas. SpaceDev is co
llocating the SAT facility with its Mission Operations and Control Center, currently being configured to support CHIPSat mission operations.

About SpaceDev.

SpaceDev offers low-cost commercial missions and spacecraft for earth
and lunar orbiters, Mars orbiters and probe carriers, and asteroid
rendezvous and landers. SpaceDev’s sale of turnkey, fixed-price,
commercial space products is a leading edge innovation for the space
industry. SpaceDev offers fixed-price package delivery for science
instruments and technology demonstrations into earth orbit and deep
space and to other planetary bodies. SpaceDev and The Boeing
Company (NYSE: BA), announced this year that they have teamed
together to investigate opportunities of mutual strategic interest in the
commercial deep-space arena, including a variety of small, low-cost,
private deep-space mission initiatives formulated by SpaceDev.
Established in 1997, SpaceDev ( is the
world’s first publicly traded commercial space exploration and
development company. SpaceDev’s offices are located near San Diego
in Poway, California.

Forward-Looking Statements. The foregoing press release includes
numerous forward-looking statements concerning the company’s
business and future prospects and other similar statements that do not
concern matters of historical fact. Forward-looking statements in this
press release relating to product development, business prospects and
development of a commercial market for technological advances are
based on the company’s current expectations. The company’s current
expectations are subject to all of the uncertainties and risks customarily
associated with new business ventures including, but not limited to,
market conditions, successful product development and acceptance,
competition and overall economic conditions, as well as the risk of
adverse regulatory actions. The company’s actual results may differ
materially from current expectations. Readers are cautioned not to put
undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The company disclaims
any intent or obligation to update publicly these forward-looking
statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or for
any other reason.

For more information: John Bodle, 858-375-2031

Commercial Space Products & Services

Asteroid, Lunar and Mars Missions

Small Spacecraft & Launch Vehicle Design

Micro-kick motors, Orbital Transfer Vehicles