
SpaceDev, the world’s first publicly traded space exploration and development company, continues to improve its performance over last year. Second Quarter results as filed with the SEC last week:

– Sales for the First Six Months at $1.9 million

– Earnings before Depreciation, Amortization, Interest and Taxes were $370,000

– New Business wins for the first six months totaled over $1.5 million

Please refer to the full financial statements for further information:


SpaceDev’s orbital Maneuvering And Transfer Vehicle (MATV) hybrid rocket motor test firings are scheduled to begin next month:


SpaceDev meetings with Boeing concerning opportunities of mutual strategic interest to investigate a variety of small, low-cost, commercial deep-space mission initiatives formulated by SpaceDev continues to move forward.


SpaceDev and its CHIPSat customer, the Space Sciences Lab at UC Berkeley completed a rigorous mission “Confirmation Assessment Review” conducted by NASA and Goddard Space Flight Center at SpaceDev’s headquarters last week.


Onward and upward!