Dear Friend:

I would like to a special Space Transportation Association breakfast with
Robert (Bob) Crippen, President of Thiokol Propulsion and four time Space
Shuttle Commander, on Friday, March 31, 2000. Mr. Crippen will discuss his
experience as a shuttle astronaut, his outlook for the Shuttle program as
well what the future holds for Thiokol.

The Breakfast meeting will be held at the Capitol Hill Club, 300 First Street
S.E., Washington, DC. The Capitol South Metro station is located across the
street for your convenience. Coffee will be served at 7:30 a.m. for early

There will be a fee of $20.00 for all STA members and $30.00 for all
non-members. We ask that you send a check in advance or pay at the door. If
you plan to attend, please reply by email to, or call

I look forward to seeing you for breakfast with Bob Crippen.


Eric W. Stallmer


Eric William Stallmer


The Space Transportation Association

2800 Shirlington Road, Suite 405

Arlington, VA 22206

(P) 703-671-4116

(F) 703-931-6432