Donna Weaver
Space Telescope Science Institute
(Phone: 410-338-4493)

View the universe on your computer screen

See the majesty and mystery of space without leaving your home. To celebrate the Hubble Space Telescope’s tenth anniversary of space exploration, the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md., is unveiling a new Web site devoted to the Earth-orbiting telescope and its heavenly pictures. Gaze at baby galaxies that existed billions of years ago. View tall, gaseous pillars that serve as incubators for embryonic stars. These and other images are just a mouse click away at
The site, however, offers more than just glorious Hubble pictures. Read about Hubble’s new discoveries, which explore such fundamental questions as: Will the universe expand forever, How do stars similar to our Sun live and die, and How do planets form around infant stars? Learn what makes Hubble tick: The site explains the technology that allows the telescope to study the cosmos. Go behind the scenes to meet the folks who operate Hubble. Challenge yourself with some
interactive educational activities, including whipping up your
own comet.
So, bookmark Hubble’s new site and visit it every week for the
latest Hubble news and pictures.
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