Rumsfeld Commission Report, assessing national
security space management and organization, will
be the subject of a featured panel at the 17th
National Space Symposium next month in Colorado
Springs. The Space Foundation is hosting the
annual gathering of space leaders, which takes
place April 9-12, 2001 at The Broadmoor.

Commission member, Gen. Thomas S. Moorman Jr.
(USAF, ret), Booz Allen; Whitten Peters, Former
Secretary of the Air Force; Brig. Gen. Mike
Hamel, USAF, Director, Space Operations &
Integration, HQ US Air Force; and Dr. Brian
Dailey, Corporate Vice President, Washington
Office, Lockheed Martin will present during
“The Space Commission-Implications for the
Future” panel at the National Space Symposium on
Tuesday, April 10. The Honorable Jaime Oaxaca,
Space Foundation Chairman of the Board, will

The Commission was led by Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld until he was nominated for his
current position by President George Bush. It
was chartered to assess the organization and
management of space activities that support U.S.
national security space interests, primarily
Department of Defense and Intelligence Community
space activities. It also included assessment
of civil and commercial activities relating to
national security space.

The National Space Symposium brings together top
officials from government, NASA, NOAA, the
Department of Defense and military space
commands and agencies and features industry
executives in a wide ranging program of keynote
remarks, panel discussions and networking

Symposium keynote speakers include: Dan Goldin,
NASA Administrator; Al Smith, Executive Vice
President, Lockheed Martin Space Systems; Jim
Albaugh, President, Boeing Space and
Communications; Gen. Ed. Eberhart, USAF,
Commander in Chief, NORAD/USSPACECOM, and
Commander, AFSPACECOM; and Armand Carlier,
Chairman & CEO, Astrium. Dr. Vance Coffman,
Chairman & CEO, Lockheed Martin Corporation will
be the featured speaker at the Space Technology
Hall of Fame Dinner.

Additional speakers include:

* Fred Abatemarco, Editor-in-Chief,

* Sen. Wayne Allard, U.S. Senate

* Mark Bitterman, Senior Vice President,
Government Relations, Orbital Sciences

* Roy Bridges, Director, NASA Kennedy Space

* James Buchli, Space Station Program Manager,
United Space Alliance

* John Casciano, Senior Vice President, Litton

* Al Diaz, Director, NASA Goddard Space Flight

* John Douglass, President, Aerospace Industries

* Ann Ganzer, Foreign Affairs Officer, Defense
Trade Control, Dept. of State

* Marc Garneau, Executive Vice President,
Canadian Space Agency

* Hon. Keith Hall, Director, National
Reconnaissance Office

* Tommy Holloway, Manager, International Space
Station Program, NASA Johnson Space Center

* Scott Hubbard, Mars Program Director, NASA HQ

* Michael Keebaugh, Vice President, Imagery and
Geospatial Systems, Raytheon Company

* Lt. Gen. James King, USA, Director, National
Imaging and Mapping Agency

* Ray Kolibaba, Vice President, Raytheon Space

* Joanne Maguire, Vice President & Deputy, Core
Business Development, TRW Space & Electronics

* Maj. General Howard Mitchell, Director of
Operations, Air Force Space Command

* Clay Mowry, Executive Director, Satellite
Industry Association

* Miles O’Brien, CNN Space Correspondent & Anchor

* Lon Rains, Editor, Space News

* Brewster Shaw, Vice President & GM,
International Space Station, Boeing Space &

* Patricia Grace Smith, Associate Administrator,
Office of Commercial Space Transportation, FAA

* Carol Staubach, Director, Advanced Systems and
Technology, National Reconnaissance Office

* Lt. Gen. Eugene Tattini, Commander, SMC/CC

* Brig. Gen. Thomas Taverney, MA to SMC
Commander, SMC/CCR

* Dave Thompson, President, Spectrum Astro, Inc.

* Russ Turner, President & CEO, United Space

* Robert Walker, President, The Wexler Group

* Rep. Dave Weldon, U.S. House of Representatives

* Greg Withee, Assistant Administrator for
Satellite and Information Services, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

* Robert Zubrin, President & CEO, Pioneer

For the latest agenda, speaker list, and online
registration visit, or call the Space
Foundation at 1-800-691-4000.