
Space Summit 2000 Workshop : November 18th, 2000


The Canadian space community is made of diverse individuals, groups, and
interests, but among them all are common objectives for improving
Canadian involvment in space science, technology and education. The
Canadian Space Society is hosting this FREE workshop, Space Summit 2000,
to gather these groups together for the discussion of ideas and
opportunities to advance these shared goals.

There is no attendance fee. Donations to offset costs of room booking
and refreshments would be appreciated.

To indicate your interest in attending, please send an email to

Members of SEDS-Canada, the Mars Society, the Moon Society, AMSAT, RASC,
Q-SAC, Canadian Rocketry Society, Calgary Space Frontier Society, CAISU,
CASI, and any other astronomy or space club, or anyone from the
interested public not affiliated with any of these organizations, are
invited to attend this one day event to held on November 18, 2000, at
the Lillian H. Smith Branch of the Toronto Public Library. See location
details below.

Participants may offer for discussion any item of common interest, such

* Encouraging government support for Space and Science Education

* Funding for university research in planetary sciences

* Private space enterprise

* Public outreach initiatives

* Advocacy of a program of Canadian robotic exploration of the
asteroids, Moon, and/or Mars.

* Amateur astronomy and amateur rocketry issues

Organizations wishing to co-sponsor this event should contact Rocky
Persaud at rocky.persaud@utoronto.ca or by phone at 416-921-8062.
Co-sponsors made give a short presentation at the workshop on the
activities of their group.

Employees of the Canadian Space Agency and any space technology company
are welcome as observers.




9:30-9:45 Welcome attendees

9:45-11:00 Presentations by sponsoring organizations

11:00-12:00 Open discussion; divide into working groups

12:00-1:30 Break for lunch (working groups can meet over lunch)

1:30-3:00 Working groups discuss their topics and come to a consensus

3:00-3:45 Working groups present ideas to the attendees

3:45-4:30 Open discussion, decide future activities





The Lillian H. Smith Library is located at 239 College Street in
Toronto, on the southwest corner of College and Huron streets, one block
east of Spadina Avenue. You can call the library at (416) 393-7746.
More information may be found at

Please distribute this message to any interested parties.

Rocky Persaud

Chair, Space Summit 2000

Canadian Space Society

