The undocking of a Russian Progress supply vehicle from
the International Space Station and the arrival of a new
Progress spacecraft will be covered on NASA Television,
beginning next week.

The Progress 8 capsule will undock from the aft port of the
Zvezda Service Module on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 9:57 a.m. EDT,
with coverage of its departure beginning on NASA TV at 9:30

The undocking will clear the way for the Sept. 25 launch of
the new Progress 9 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in
Kazakhstan, carrying food, fuel and supplies for Expedition
Five Commander Valery Korzun, NASA Science Officer Peggy
Whitson and Flight Engineer Sergei Treschev.

The Expedition Five crew is in the fourth month of a nearly
six-month long mission on the outpost. The Progress is also
carrying supplies for the new Expedition Six crew, which will
arrive at the space station in November. There will be no
television of the Progress 9 launch, but a written status
report will be issued once it is in orbit.

The docking of the Progress 9 to Zvezda is scheduled for 1:07
p.m. EDT Sunday, Sept. 29, and NASA TV will provide live
coverage of its arrival, beginning at 12:30 p.m. EDT.

NASA TV can be found on GE-2, Transponder 9C, vertical
polarization at 85 degrees West longitude, 3880 MHz, with
audio at 6.8 MHz. Additional information about Expedition
Five and the International Space Station is available on the
Internet at: