MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. — Weather permitting, San Francisco Bay Area residents will have two good opportunities to see the International Space Station as it passes overhead at approximately 7:32 p.m. PST Tuesday, Feb. 28, and again at 7:17 p.m., Thursday, March 1.

The station, with the Expedition 30 crew aboard, is nearly 220 miles above Earth’s surface. As it approaches, the station will look like a bright star and fly high in the night sky before it sets under the horizon. On Feb. 28, the station will appear and depart from the northwest and on March 1, it will appear from the west and depart towards the southeast.

Space enthusiasts also may track the current position of the station and other spacecraft orbiting Earth using the NASA App for the iPhone and iPod touch, as well as the NASA App HD on the iPad. The Apps also allow users to find and share current visible sighting opportunities for the station and shuttle. iPad, iPhone 3GS and 4 users also will see a working compass at the top of the screen to help locate the visible pass approach and departure path. Both Apps are available free of charge at the App Store from Apple.

For more information about the NASA App, visit:

For sighting opportunities from specific cities in California, visit:

For the latest information about the International Space Station, its crews and scientific research taking place onboard, visit:

For more about NASA’s Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., visit: