
Crew members of the Space Shuttle Endeavor STS-97 mission — who conducted
three space walks and attached and unfurled huge solar arrays for the
International Space Station — will visit NASA’s Marshall Space Flight
Center in Huntsville, Ala., Wednesday, March 28.


Wednesday, March 28 (all times CST)

During their visit with NASA and contractor employees, the crew will:

10:45-11:45 a.m. Show a video and talk about their mission

11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Greet and talk with employees

1-3 p.m. Present “Silver Snoopy” awards

The crew will present “Silver Snoopy” awards to Marshall employees who
contributed to the success of the Space Shuttle or International Space
Station programs.


STS-97 crew

Commander Brent Jett

Pilot Michael Bloomfield

Mission Specialist Joseph Tanner

Mission Specialist Carlos Noriega


News media should check in at the Marshall Space Flight Center Bldg. 4200
lobby security desk

To attend:

News media interested in covering the event should contact Judy Pettus of
the Media Relations Department at (256) 544-0034 for gate clearance.