It’s an eventful time for the space industry, and as this year winds to a close, we wanted to give you a quick wrap of a few Space Micro 2022 highlights.

Making Moves. We joined the phenomenal Voyager Space Holdings family of companies when they acquired a majority stake in Space Micro in January.

Product Spotlight. We delivered nearly 20 Nanocom™ Software Defined Radios (SDRs) to two different prime contractors for SDA Tranche 0.

To Lunar Orbit. The Artemis 1 Launch in November took our SBCs to lunar orbit on two satellites: Lunar IceCube and LunIR.

It’s in the Stars. Space Micro delivered four µSTAR-250™ Star Trackers for a Q1 2023 launch on a classified government program. Look for more exciting announcements about the µSTAR-250 in 2023.

Data Transfer. We delivered X-Band Transponders to Astrobotic for their upcoming NASA Artemis missions to the Moon , multiple UHF Transponders to another commercial space innovator, and a µSDR-C software defined radio in support of a classified government program.

More Power. Work continued on two different contracts to deliver ProtonVPX boxes, starring our new Proton600K™ Multi-Core Computer in the first half of 2023. Space Micro also kicked off the development of a new single board computer based on Xilinx’s Versal AI processor chip.

New Technology. We’re working with our Voyager Space brethren, industry partners and universities on exciting new tech:

• MOCA – advanced one-to-many optical communications using Managed Optical Communication Array technology to support LEO constellations
• DEFORMO — an adaptive optics solution that uses deformable mirrors to transmit a laser communications signal through atmospheric turbulence
• ARPO – Autonomous Rendezvous Proximity Operations utilizing SpaceCams™, capture and docking capabilities and RPO software
• V-Band SSPA — higher frequency V-Band SATCOM for SDRs will include Solid State Power Amplifiers
• CMG Barnacle — a robotic spacecraft that would replace or restore Attitude Determination and Control Systems capabilities and expand on-orbit servicing, assembly, and manufacturing

Making the rounds. It was wonderful to see so many of you at the various shows and conferences this past year, including: SmallSat Symposium, Space Symposium, Small Sat Conference, SEE and NSREC, Silicon Valley Space Week, and Optical Communications Workshop.

Thank you for being a part of our journey this year. 2023 brings a bigger footprint for Space Micro as we expand our offices and production facility by over 55%.

We look forward to working with you in the coming year.