PUBLIC RELATIONS: 310/203-4203


Washington, D.C, October 24, 2000 –Dr. Shelley A. Harrison, Chairman and CEO of Space Media, Inc. and SpaceHab, Inc. will be available to discuss the future of entertainment in space during the International Space Symposium on Tuesday, October 24, 2000 in The Polaris Suite at The Ronald Reagan International Center, Washington DC .

Dr. Harrison can discuss a number of topics from identifying key players to defining the landscape with relation to this emerging market. As a consumer focused international business conference and exhibition designed to meet needs of the global space industry, the International Space Symposium brings together CEO’s, heads of agency, financiers, managers, underwriters, customers and regulators of the industry. Space Media, Inc. (SMI), is a wholly-owned subsidiary and media corporation of SPACEHAB, Inc. (NASDAQ: SPAB). SMI is currently creating proprietary content from the International Space Station for broadcast and Internet distribution. SPACEHAB is building the first commercial broadcasting studio on Energia and multimedia production facility in space. SMI owns the exclusive multimedia rights to the content produced on the Enterprise™. SPACEHAB, builders and owners of the first and only private laboratories, and active research and stowage facilities used in space by NASA and space agencies from Russia, Europe and Japan -along with several aerospace companies – has also partnered with Rocket Space Corporation (RSCE) Energia of Russia to build, launch and deploy the module christened Enterprise ™ on the International Space Station as a commercial multimedia broadcast studio facility.


Dr. Shelley Harrison

Tuesday, October 24 – Thursday, October 26

International Space Symposium, Washington, D.C.

***Dr. Harrison to speak on “Meet the New Space Media Entrepreneurs” panel***

Tuesday, October 24, 2000; 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Polaris Suite @ The Ronald Reagan International Center, Washington, D.C.