Washington, D.C. -The Aerospace Industries Association is hosting the first in a series of panel discussions on Space in our World, how investments in space research, science and our space endeavors affect everyday life in America. Informed by AIA’s report, Space in our World, the topic of Monday’s panel discussion is how space-based infrastructure provides advance warning to threatening conditions around the earth. Satellite data is both invaluable and irreplaceable to producing accurate forecasts of severe weather events such as Superstorm Sandy.



– Frank Slazer, Vice President for Space Systems, Aerospace Industries Association
– Andrew Johnston, Geographer, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution
– Cory Springer, Director, Weather & Environment, Ball Aerospace
– Eric Webster, Vice President and Director, Weather Systems, Exelis
– Jon Malay, Director of Civil Space and Environment Programs, Lockheed Martin


Panel discussion on how space-based infrastructure provides advance warning to threatening conditions around the earth.


9:00am Eastern Time
Monday, February 25, 2013


Capitol Visitors Center, Room SVC 201-00
Washington, DC

Please RSVP here or email AIAbriefing@aia-aerospace.org