GIS Services Designed for Regional Headquarters, Remote Sensing Laboratory and 19 National Forests

Space Imaging has been awarded a contract
to continue providing geographic information services (GIS) in support of the
operations of the U.S. Forest Service’s Regional Office in Vallejo, Calif.,
its Remote Sensing Laboratory in Sacramento and the 18 national forests
throughout California’s Region 5. The contract has a maximum potential value
of $1,300,000 over three years.

Space Imaging has successfully provided GIS support services on-site at
USDA Forest Service offices in Region 5 for the past 12 years. This on-going
support has helped the Forest Service establish a robust GIS infrastructure
throughout California. Space Imaging currently staffs 14 employees in Region
5, with combined experience of more than 40 years of service to the Forest

Under this Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract, Space
Imaging will continue to provide professional services and expertise in the
areas of vegetation mapping, inventory and analysis, geospatial data capture,
database updating, natural resource modeling and analysis, GIS application
development, and cartographic map production.

“Space Imaging’s long standing relationship with Region 5 is the product
of our commitment to the Agency and a reflection of the company’s
understanding of the Forest Service’s vision, mission and critical
requirements. We have proudly supported the region for the past 12 years and
are consistently looking for innovative ways to support this important
customer,” says Jim Schriever, executive director for Space Imaging’s Federal,
Civil, and Commercial Solutions.

About Space Imaging

Space Imaging is the premier provider of satellite imagery enabling
businesses, governments and individuals to better map, measure, monitor and
manage the world in which we live. Based near Denver, Colo., Space Imaging
radically transformed the Earth information market when in 1999 it launched
IKONOS, the world’s first commercial high-resolution imaging satellite.
Today, Space Imaging’s products are the cornerstone of the remote-sensing
industry. The company supplies the highest quality, most accurate, visual
information about the planet’s changing natural and cultural features. Space
Imaging’s customer-centric business lines include imagery from satellites and
aircraft, decision-support geospatial solutions, and direct access to its
satellites for corporations and governments. With 2003 revenues exceeding
$200 million, Space Imaging is a privately held company with partners,
resellers and 12 affiliate ground stations around the world. For more
information on products and services, please visit .