Affordable Satellite Imagery Helps Monitor Environment And Map Large Land Masses

Space Imaging, the world’s leader in
providing commercial markets with Earth information for a variety of business
applications, has announced a significant reduction in the price of its
Landsat satellite imagery.
With the new reduced pricing, organizations will
be able to monitor, map and measure changes to the Earth’s surface more
regularly and more affordably than ever before.

  • (Photo: )

    The new Landsat pricing ranges from $600-$1675 for an image covering a
    185 km x 170 km area.
    The range varies according to how much processing is
    required to meet the customer’s mapping needs.
    Previous prices ranged from
    $2500-$3350 for the same geographic area.
    These new prices, a saving of up to
    76 percent, apply to North American imagery collected by Space Imaging.
    new pricing is effective immediately.

    “The reduction in Landsat pricing offers long-standing customers an
    incentive for continuing to purchase these widely used products,” said Brian
    Soliday, Space Imaging’s vice president of North American sales and marketing.
    “It also responds to customer demand for more affordable pricing for a product
    that helps customers make better decisions about the changing Earth.”
    added that customers most impacted by this new pricing structure are those
    needing to monitor large areas of land on a regular basis.

    Landsat imagery has a resolution of 30 meters and is produced as
    multispectral (color) imagery.
    It is used by environmental management firms,
    mapping agencies, regional planning agencies, and agribusiness to monitor
    environmental conditions, map large land masses, evaluate ecological change,
    assess large-scale urban growth and measure vegetation health.
    The imagery
    can be used for change-over-time analysis to keep track of major changes to
    the Earth’s surface.

    Space Imaging markets Landsat satellite imagery under the company’s
    CARTERRA(TM) brand name.
    The imagery complements a wide array of other
    satellite and aerial imagery products and services Space Imaging sells.

    One customer, Earth Satellite Corporation (EarthSat), already has plans to
    purchase a significant amount of Landsat data based on the new pricing
    “With Landsat 5 collection offset by eight days from the Landsat 7
    satellite the frequency of coverage is effectively doubled.
    Frequent coverage
    is very important for our agriculture monitoring applications.
    Both systems
    are now comparably priced and any disincentives have been removed.
    We think
    this is an excellent move by Space Imaging,” said Roger Mitchell, vice
    president Program Development for EarthSat.

    Ordering CARTERRA Products

    Customers wishing to place an order may call the Customer Service Center
    at 301-552-0537 or 800-232-9037 between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. EST.
    Alternatively, customers may contact a North American or an international
    Space Imaging reseller.
    Information about contacting resellers is located on
    the Space Imaging Web site ( under “Find a Reseller.”

    About Space Imaging

    Space Imaging is a leading supplier of space imagery, aerial photography,
    mapping services, and derivative geographic information products and services.
    The company launched the world’s first and only one-meter resolution,
    commercial imaging satellite, IKONOS, on Sept. 24, 1999.
    Space Imaging also
    collects and/or distributes Earth imagery from the Indian Remote Sensing
    satellites, the U.S. Landsat, Canada’s RADARSAT and the European Space
    Agency’s ERS satellites.
    In addition, Space Imaging distributes imagery from
    the Japanese JERS imaging system archive.
    The company also delivers
    aerial-derived imagery products collected by its own Digital Airborne Imaging
    System (DAIS-1(TM)).
    Space Imaging markets its wide-ranging Earth image
    products under the CARTERRA(TM) brand name.

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