Space Imaging — the world’s leader in
providing Earth imagery and related services to commercial markets —
announced the addition of its CARTERRA(TM) Five-meter Basemap product.
new product, derived from the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite, is cloud
free, tonally balanced, orthorectified and optimally enhanced for GIS desktop
mapping of anywhere in North America.

In the past, CARTERRA five-meter imagery could only be ordered by the
scene or digital ortho-quad.
Now, CARTERRA Five-meter Basemap gives the GIS
professional the ability to order a specific area of interest.
If that area
of interest falls across multiple scenes, a mosaic will be created and
balanced, and only the specified area will be delivered, all within 30 days.
The imagery, which is available as panchromatic, true color or false color, is
designed specifically for developing a base map showing rural development,
suburban growth, rural access roads, utility corridors, forest and grassland
burns, or forest cutblocks and access roads.

“The five-meter resolution of the IRS imagery provides the optimum
resolution for the majority of our clients’ rural mapping applications,” says
Gerry Mitchell, president of Resource GIS and Imaging Ltd of Vancouver,
British Columbia, a value-added reseller for Space Imaging.
“Combined with
the CARTERRA one-meter imagery, the CARTERRA Five-meter Basemap provides a
complete mapping solution for many of our clients.
The two IRS satellites
provide current imagery for most projects while using their deep archive to
overlay infill imagery for cloud covered areas.
This product allows our
customers to continually replenish their base maps with more current imagery.”

“In the past we created our access maps with photos.
Five-meter Basemap product makes the project more efficient, especially with
the quality of the orthorectification,” said Ken Dutchak, program leader for
Alberta’s Department of Environmental Protection.

“CARTERRA Five-meter Basemap is an ideal product to economically cover a
large area with cloud free, orthorectified imagery,” said Brian Soliday, vice
president of North American sales and marketing for Space Imaging.
“We can
deliver a current CARTERRA Five-meter Basemap image in less time than it takes
a customer to fly a large region with aerial, and for less expense.”

Prices range from $6.25 – $9 per square mile ($2.50 – $3.50/ with a
minimum order of 200 miles or 500 kilometers.
For a limited time, this new
product offering is made available with an offer of discounted CARTERRA
one-meter orthorectified imagery.
When a CARTERRA Five-meter Basemap image is
purchased at the standard price, that amount, per square kilometer, will be
deducted on the future purchase price of CARTERRA orthorectified imagery
This discount offer on
CARTERRA one-meter imagery is good through November 2001.

About Space Imaging

Space Imaging is a leading supplier of visual information products derived
from space imagery and aerial photography.
The company launched the world’s
first and only one-meter resolution, commercial Earth imaging satellite,
IKONOS, on Sept. 24, 1999.
Other CARTERRA products are produced from the
Indian Remote Sensing satellites, the U.S. Landsat, Canada’s RADARSAT and the
European Space Agency’s ERS satellites.
Space Imaging also delivers
aerial-derived imagery products collected by its own Digital Airborne Imaging
System (DAIS-1(TM)).

Sample images of CARTERRA Five-meter Basemap
showing fields, forests and suburbs southeast of Hattiesburg, Miss. are
available for illustration and publishing purposes at

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