NIMA Recognizes Commercial Satellite Imaging Sector’s Contribution to Afghanistan War

The National Imagery and Mapping Agency
(NIMA) has recognized Space Imaging for its work in support of NIMA during
Operation Enduring Freedom.

The award recognizes Space Imaging’s partnership with NIMA and
specifically cites the company’s timely, accurate geospatial intelligence in
support of national security. NIMA presented the award to Space Imaging at
the 2003 Management Association for Private Photogrammetric Surveyors (MAPPS)
luncheon held on March 20, 2003 during the Federal Programs Conference in
Washington, D.C. Erol Morey, Space Imaging’s director of Defense Solutions,
accepted the award on the company’s behalf.

“Space Imaging is honored to receive this citation from NIMA. This award
reflects the dedication and commitment of the entire company to support NIMA
during Operation Enduring Freedom,” said Morey.

About Space Imaging

Space Imaging is a leading supplier of visual information products and
services derived from space imagery and aerial photography. The company
launched the world’s first high-resolution, commercial Earth imaging
satellite, IKONOS(TM), on Sept. 24, 1999. Other products are produced from
the Indian Remote Sensing satellites, the U.S. Landsat satellites and Canada’s
RADARSAT. Space Imaging also delivers aerial-derived imagery products
collected by its own Digital Airborne Imaging System (DAIS-1(TM)). For more
information about Space Imaging visit its web site at .