The first commercial, passenger-carrying sub-orbital flights are expected to begin in 2009. Along with this fantastic accomplishment comes danger, and the very real risk of accidents, destruction of property on the ground, and the death of pilots, passengers and uninvolved citizens.

The Space Frontier Foundation understand that when this happens, and it will, as is inevitable with all modes of transportation, there is the very real possibility that Congress will ground the emerging commercial spaceflight industry.

The FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA-AST) is the US Government agency responsible for regulating the safety of the NewSpace industry, and this office is preparing for the day when the inevitable happens. Nobody wants to think about it, and yet we must be prepared to deal with the consequences. Therefore, the FAA-AST has asked the Space Frontier Foundation to collect ideas, and so I ask you to click the link below to answer a five-question survey.

Click here for the survey

Help the FAA as it supports commercial human spaceflight and the first steps toward the settlement of our solar system. This survey will remain open until Tuesday, January 30th (5pm Eastern/2pm Pacific).

Thank you.

Jeff Krukin
Executive Director
Space Frontier Foundation