The Space Frontier Foundation and the
Foundation for the International Non-Governmental Development of Space,
(FINDS) announced today that their Second Annual Lunar Development Conference
will be held July 20th-21st at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.
co-sponsors are The Space Studies Institute, the Moon Society, and The
National Space Society.

“The first human outposts on the Moon may well be established in the next
decade,” said Greg Bennett, conference chairperson, and Vice-President of
spacecraft design for Bigelow Aerospace.
“The Lunar Development Conference
will set the stage for the planning and implementation of those efforts.”

New technologies, science and business opportunities will be brought
together with financiers, business leaders and government officials, in an
upbeat dialogue and exchange of ideas.
Sessions will include Transportation
To, From and On The Moon, Habitats & Architecture, Business Opportunities and
Lunar Science Issues.

“The Moon is the closest world to us, yet it has been over 30 years since
humans first walked on its surface,” said Rick Tumlinson, President of Space
Frontier Foundation.
“The new millennium is the perfect time for us to create
a fresh partnership between the government and the private sector — to open
the Moon and the rest of the Near Frontier to the people of Earth.
It is time
to put a human face on the Moon.”

The sponsors recently solicited a Call For Papers detailing current work
and future concepts in lunar development and settlement.
The conference is
open to the general public, and any person or company may submit a paper for
All papers presented will be compiled and published as a hard-backed
volume by the Space Studies Institute of Princeton, New Jersey.

For more conference information and paper submission guidelines, visit the
Space Frontier Foundation website at

For information on the Space Frontier Foundation, call 1-800-78SPACE or
visit our Web Site at:
Our E-Mail Address is
The Space Frontier Foundation is an organization of people dedicated
to opening the Space Frontier to human settlement as rapidly as possible.