The Space Frontier Foundation has announced Ann Kapusta, a veteran space operations and consulting expert, as its new Executive Director. The Space Frontier Foundation (SFF) is a space advocacy nonprofit dedicated to ensuring that the exploration and development of space is open and accessible to everyone through the power of free enterprise.

The announcement comes at a pivotal moment, as SFF begins to explore utilizing space travel, research, and science as a means of solving some of the greatest problems of our time, including: 

– Climate change and global warming;

– Talent gaps for women and minorities in space sciences;

– Disparity and depletion of resources across the globe;

– Democratizing space through access and equity

“It is truly an honor to serve as Executive Director for an organization that is transforming the space industry into a dynamic and inclusive frontier,” said Ann Kapusta. “For nearly 35 years, Space Frontier has worked to redefine the future of the space industry and the workforce behind it, while also advocating for the use of emerging space technologies to find solutions for problems here on Earth. I look forward to working alongside the talented and innovative minds at the Foundation to accelerate the good work being done.”

“We are thrilled to have Ann lead the Foundation,” said Kim Macharia, Chair of the Space Frontier Foundation Board of Directors. “Her background and impressive leadership abilities will prove invaluable to the Foundation as we begin to tackle some of our biggest projects yet in order to build a more inclusive, equitable and innovative space industry. I am confident the Foundation and our mission will thrive under Ann’s guidance.”

Ann is the co-founder and managing director of ThinkSpace Consulting, an operations and innovation firm supporting cutting edge missions in space and organizations with a mission to do good here on Earth. Previously, Ann led internal R&D and external innovation strategy offerings for a digital and emerging technology think tank. Ann has also spent a decade in the aerospace industry on projects ranging from satellite technologies, to space weather research, and human spaceflight.

For her work as Operations Lead overseeing the largest biological experiments aboard the ISS, Ann was awarded the Silver Snoopy – NASA’s highest award in support of human spaceflight, selected by the NASA Astronaut Corps. These missions collected data for understanding muscular and ocular degeneration on Earth. Ann earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Astrophysics at Dartmouth College and attended the University of Michigan for her graduate work in Space Systems Engineering.

Please find Ann’s LinkedIn here. 

About the Space Frontier Foundation

Founded in 1988, the Space Frontier Foundation is committed to realizing the vision of a greatly expanded and permanent human presence in space. To realize this vision, the Foundation is fundamentally transforming the conception of space into a widely accessible frontier, ripe with opportunity. Through conferences, speakers, policy papers, awards and prizes, and nationally recognized projects, the Space Frontier Foundation is actively advancing the cause of ‘NewSpace’ – the term which has come to represent space infused with the spirit of entrepreneurialism and the free market.