Citing reports of multi-billion
dollar cost over-runs, and decisions to cut back the size and capability of
International Space Station Alpha, Space Frontier Foundation today called for
the ISS partners to create a civic authority, much like those used to operate
seaports and airports.

Rick Tumlinson, President of the Foundation, explained.
“Just as the
station is becoming operational in space, politicians and bureaucrats on Earth
are cutting back the facility.
Alpha needs new management that is removed
from parochial interests and political gamesmanship.”

Like an airport or seaport, Alpha has many dangerous and diverse things
going on, yet has to be safe and profitable for all involved.
It also has to
be a step removed from politics, to avoid becoming a pawn in international
affairs and budget swings.

“These are not new problems,” remarked Bob Werb of the International Space
Station Congress.
“We confront numerous similar situations here on Earth.
Human nature and good organizational structure are the same everywhere, even
in space.”

The Foundation believes an International Space Station Authority (ISSA)
will provide the right mix of basic day-to-day landlord-type functions,
dispute resolution and safety enforcement needed to turn the ISS into a
productive location for a wide range of activities.

Tumlinson added, “Scientists and businessmen both need consistency and
stability if they are to work effectively.
The space agencies of the world
need to hand Alpha to a new management team that can establish routine
operations, so they can get back to the business of exploring, or ISS is going
to weigh them down for years to come.”

The Space Frontier Foundation is proud to join with the International
Space Station Congress in stimulating global discussions about how to best
manage the International Space Station.
Please visit to
learn about this remarkable effort and to learn more about the proposed ISS

The Foundation has been a vocal leader in the fight for opening space to
the people for over ten years.

For further information please contact media, James George of Space
Frontier Foundation, 1(800) 78-SPACE.