Educators will soon have the opportunity to see
how California science and math standards can be
integrated into their daily curriculum during
Space in the Classroom (SITC), a hands-on
conference for K-12 educators, which explores
teaching with space and offers optional graduate
credit. SITC is sponsored by the Space
Foundation and the California Space Authority,
and takes place on February 1-2, 2002 in
Sacramento, Calif. at the Golden State Museum.

“At a time when accountability for learning is
so crucial, this critical information will
benefit all teachers. Math and science are
disciplines that can be taught with passion,
when instructors have the appropriate tools and
skill sets. SITC will ignite interest and
develop abilities,” offered Patricia Arnold,
Ph.D., Space Foundation Vice President,

Workshops and presentations will address
elementary and middle school science standards
using space-related curricula to teach physical
and life sciences, astronomy, earth science,
physics and technology. Highlights include:

* Former NASA Astronaut Dr. Buzz Aldrin will
participate on the “Industry” panel

* Nagin Cox, NASA JPL, will present on the
physical, life and Earth science on Mars

* Dave Hendry, president & CEO of The Futures
Channel, will enlighten educators on resources
and strategies related to space curriculum

* Christina O’Guinn, NASA Ames, will discuss
NASA multimedia products for educators

Two other Space in the Classroom conferences are
scheduled this year on February 28 – March 2 in
Colorado Springs and May 2-4 in Kennedy Space
Center, Fla. The Space Foundation is also
offering the following Space Discovery graduate
courses this summer in Colorado Springs: “Pikes
Peak or Bust!”- June 24-28; “Space Travel for
Teachers” – July 8-12; “It’s a Wonderful Life” –
July 15-19; “Search for the Stars”- July 22-26;
and “Robotics Made Easy” – August 5-9. More
information and on-line registration for SITC
conferences and Space Discovery courses are
available at or by
calling the Space Foundation at 1-800-691-4000.

The Colorado Springs-based Space Foundation is a
national non-profit organization, striving to
advance space awareness and education. The
Space Foundation has trained 12,000 teachers
since 1986 through its Teaching With Space,
Space Discovery and Space in the Classroom K-12
professional development programs.