The Space Foundation
today announced the criteria upon which it will present the first ever General
James E. Hill Lifetime Space Achievement Award.
The new award — honoring the
Foundation’s long-time Chairman, General James E. Hill — will become the
highest individual award presented by the Space Foundation when it is bestowed
for the first time, and annually thereafter, during the 18th National Space
Symposium in April 2002.

The James E. Hill Award will recognize outstanding individuals who have
distinguished themselves through lifetime contributions to the welfare or
betterment of humankind through the exploration, development and utilization
of space, or the use of space technology, information, themes or resources in
academic, cultural, industrial or other pursuits of broad benefit to humanity.

The James E. Hill Award is presented to an individual whose personal or
professional contributions in the space arena span a minimum of 20 years.
person whose distinguished lifetime achievement through the exploration,
development or utilization of space — whether technical, managerial,
academic, scientific, private, public, political, governmental, journalistic,
artistic, astronautic or cosmonautic — has either had space as its primary
emphasis or focus, or has been carried out in such manner that the individual
is widely recognized as a “champion” of space.

Eligible persons must exemplify the Foundation mission by meeting three of
the following specific criteria: Publication or Public Speaking; Public
Relations; Interdisciplinary Activity; Humanitarian Service; and Space
Foundation Service.
The Mission of the Space Foundation is, in part,
“To vigorously advance civil, commercial and national security space
endeavors for a brighter future.”

Any person may nominate a candidate for the James E. Hill Award, but
individuals may not nominate themselves.
Nominations are being accepted now
until September 28.
The nomination should be in the form of a letter, not to
exceed two pages in length, addressed to the president and chief executive
officer at the Space Foundation.
More information is available at