COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. (January 22, 2003) – The Space
Foundation, the leading non-profit organization advancing the
exploration, development, and use of space and space education, is
offering six unique, hands-on Space Discovery teacher graduate
courses this summer in Colorado Springs. Three hours of graduate
credit from the University of Colorado is available for each course.

The Space Foundation’s professional development program
provides K-12 educators with curricula developed by teachers that is
designed to meet district and school requirements. All course-work
provides standards-based hands-on learning that teachers can use
immediately. To register, visit or
call the Space Foundation at 1-800-691-4000.

2003 Space Discovery courses:
* “Space History & Space Law” – June 16-20
This exciting new course explores outer space as an endeavor that
has spanned more than 1,000 years. Learn about history that blends
fiction, science, international relations, economics, and technology,
and how space will be governed and by whom.

* “Earth Systems Science” – June 23-27, 2003
Spend a week in the Garden of the Gods and on Pikes Peak
discovering the amazing parallels between Earth and space science.
Participate in experiments ascending the Peak and examine their
differing results. Explore the fascinating ecosystems, learn about
rock and plant classifications in the Garden of the Gods and how we
monitor Earth systems from space.

* “Rocketry and the Biology of Living in Space” – July 7-11
Study the effects of human space flight through micro gravity
simulation. Experience the thrill of building and launching your own
rocket. Discover space concepts and their helpful classroom

* “Biology and Physical Research” – July 14-18
Search with the experts for the answers to how humans can expand
beyond home to maximize the benefits from space exploration.
Discover how the fundamental laws of nature shape the evolution of
life. Learn how the human body functions and adjusts to space.

* “Astronomy Principles for the Classroom” – July 21-25
Focus on NASA’s Enterprise for space science. Study solar
systems, galaxies, stars and sky identification and the physics of
space. View the night sky at the Air Force Academy Observatory.

* “Space Technologies in the Classroom” – July 28-Aug. 1
Astound your students with real space technologies and their
applications on Earth now and into the future. Build your own
programmable or maneuverable robot. Explore orbital mechanics,
GPS and satellite operations.

The Space Foundation also offers two distinct Masters in Space
Studies Degrees in conjunction with the University of Colorado at
Colorado Springs and Regis University. For more information or to
get a complete schedule of upcoming educational events, visit or call 1-800-691-4000.

The Space Foundation has trained more than 20,000 teachers since
1986 on Teaching With Space through Space Discovery graduate
courses and national conferences. All courses and conferences
meet state and national educational standards, with optional
graduate credit available. The Space Foundation offers an on-site
NASA Educational Resource Center, which helps educators access
and use science, mathematics, and technology instruction products
aligned with national standards and appropriate state frameworks
based on NASA’s unique mission and results.