Steve Eisenhart
Director of Communications and Public Affairs
U.S. Space Foundation

For Immediate Release

Space Foundation Names Higginbotham Director – SpaceVest Founder Joins Non-profit Board

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO (December 13, 1999) –
John B. Higginbotham, founder, chairman and
chief executive officer of SpaceVest was named
as a new member of the Space Foundation Board of
Directors, Space Foundation officials announced

The Colorado Springs-based Space Foundation
advances space endeavors and provides and
supports education excellence. Its programs
include the premier space policy forum, the
National Space Symposium; the International
Space Business Assembly; Space Discovery
graduate courses and Teaching with Space in-
services and conferences.

Founded in 1991, SpaceVest pioneered the
establishment of institutional venture
capital for the space industry. The firm is a
unique private equity organization that brings a
focused investment approach to growth companies
applying space-related capabilities and
technologies to market opportunities in
telecommunications, Internet infrastructure and
information technologies. SpaceVest has become
a recognized leader for private equity
associated with the space industry.

Higginbotham was previously a co-founder,
director and senior vice president of
International Technology Underwriters, a space
and telecommunications insurance underwriting
management company now operated as AXASpace. He
is a graduate of Virginia Tech and the Harvard
Business School.

“John brings important vision and energy to the
growth of the Space Foundation,” said Jaime
Oaxaca, chairman of the Board of Directors.
“His experience in the creation of innovative
solutions and widely regarded respect within the
space and financial communities brings an
important dimension to the Foundation’s space
awareness and education activities. We are
delighted to have him associated with the Space
