COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.  (Jan. 8, 2014) — The Space Foundation issued a statement today regarding extension of the International Space Station mission. Media has reported that NASA plans to announce White House approval to extend the mission by four years until 2024. In anticipation of that announcement, the Space Foundation released this comment:

“The Space Foundation strongly supports the decision to extend the ISS mission to 2024, and congratulates NASA and the White House for stepping out smartly to make it so,” said Space Foundation CEO Elliot H. Pulham. “The ISS is the signature space investment of this generation, and a key building block for Pioneering the rest of our solar system,” Pulham said.  “While 2024 seems a distant horizon, it was important to take this decision now, in order to preserve all best options for continuing ISS operations well into the future. We urge Congress to follow the administration’s lead and authorize and fully fund such an extension.”