CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (March 26, 2010) – Space Florida is pleased to announce that it is currently engaged in dialogue with Lockheed Martin and ATK regarding the use of Space Launch Complex 46 at Cape Canaveral as a key Florida launch location for the next generation of Athena rockets.

On March 25, Lockheed Martin and ATK issued a press release stating their intentions to offer Athena Ic and IIc launch services from Cape Canaveral, Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska, Vandenberg AFB (CA) and NASA Wallops Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport.

“The Athena family of rockets holds great potential for accommodating a wide range of commercial, civil and military payloads into Low Earth Orbit and beyond,” noted Space Florida President Frank DiBello. “In addition to discussions currently taking place regarding the Athena, we continue working with a number of launch providers to make SLC-46 a multi-use site, and ultimately increase the total number of launches from Florida.”

Space Florida received directed 2009 federal appropriations from Senator Nelson, through NASA, and will utilize this funding toward planning infrastructure improvements at SLC-46 and SLC-36, as NASA-directed funding cannot be used for construction. Additionally, the Florida House and Senate each have passed legislation to provide flexibility for a 2008 appropriation, which will be used to advance upgrade work on SLC-36 in support of commercial launch activity and critical job creation. The organization is working closely with the legislature to secure additional investments that will drive job creation through aerospace economic development in Florida.

About Space Florida: Space Florida was created to strengthen Florida’s position as the global leader in aerospace research, investment, exploration and commerce. As Florida’s aerospace development organization, we are committed to attracting and expanding the next generation of space industry businesses. With its highly trained workforce, proven infrastructure and unparalleled record of achievement, Florida is the ideal location for aerospace businesses to thrive – and Space Florida is the perfect partner to help them succeed.