Participants meet with almost 100 members of Congress and staff

WASHINGTON, DC: June 14, 2007 The Space Exploration Alliance (SEA) launched the 2007 Moon-Mars Blitz this week in Washington, DC, meeting with almost 100 members of Congress and their staff members to support the American space program. In addition to numerous face-to-face meetings with members of Congress, SEA spoke with the offices of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Hillary Clinton, and also dropped off petitions for Senator Harry Reid and House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey. Moon-Mars Blitz participants were quite pleased with the reception they received at most meetings. According to Blitz Co-Chair Rick Zucker, “We discussed with Congress the many reasons why space is so important to the future of our nation, and we did so at a critical time in the budgetary process. I was pleased not only by the positive response that we received from those offices that are traditionally strong supporters of NASA, but also by the strong interest that was expressed in many other congressional offices which represent districts in which NASA does not have a strong presence or a natural constituency.”

The SEA’s Moon-Mars Blitz was timed perfectly to speak with the United States Congress. The House of Representatives was in the middle of the appropriations mark-up and after the first day of Congressional meetings, the House appropriations subcommittee for Commerce, Justice, and Science recommended a $286 million increase over the requested level for NASA.

According to SEA Steering Committee member Tim Bailey, “It was amazing to get such immediate feedback from the Congressional offices. We could see from the mark-up that the Representatives and staffers really understood the importance of space exploration and its impact on the nation as a whole.” Blitz participants advocated:

  • Funding NASA in 2008 at the level authorized by the 2005 NASA Authorization Act, an increase of $1.4 billion over the requested level
  • Support for Moon, Mars and Beyond
  • Reduction in the looming human spaceflight “gap”
  • Support for programs like Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) and Centennial Challenges that promote private sector engagement in the space program
  • Investment in key science missions
  • Funding for the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC)

Congressional outreach events not only have significant political impact potential, but can also serve as a tremendous inspiration to participants. Moon-Mars Blitz participants came away with a tremendous feeling of achievement and an increased understanding of the United States Government. “I never thought that I would be so close to Congress and the people who represent the voter’s interests,” said Luisa Fernanda Zambrano-Marin, a Candidate for Masters in Space Studies at the International Space University.

Now more than ever, Blitz organizers are convinced that these types of joint efforts among space advocacy organizations are vital to the space cause. “I think that we will always have more impact when we work together to support a bold human space program,” commented Blitz Chairman and SEA Steering Committee member Chris Carberry. “SEA plans to start running some more ambitious programs over the upcoming year and we hope to start fully exploiting the large talent pool of SEA member organizations. One theme we really want to emphasize is that one person really can have an impact on space policy – and have a LOT of fun doing it.”

The Space Exploration Alliance is planning to run another Blitz in February 2008. You can also click here to visit the Blitz website

About the National Space Society

The National Space Society (NSS) is an independent, grassroots organization dedicated to the creation of a spacefaring civilization. Founded in 1974, NSS is widely acknowledged as the preeminent citizen’s voice on space. NSS counts thousands of members and over 50 chapters in the United States and around the world. The society also produces the annual International Space Development Conference, held this year May 24-28 in Dallas. For more information on the conference, the Congressional education event, or the society, please visit:

About the Space Exploration Alliance

The Space Exploration Alliance is an unprecedented partnership of the nation’s premier non-profit space organizations with a combined membership of more than 100,000 people throughout the United States.

The nation’s premier non-profit space organizations will work together to communicate to the American public and elected officials that the Vision for Space Exploration is a compelling national priority that is technically and fiscally achievable, will inspire the nation’s youth and the public, reinvigorate the traditional aerospace workforce and industrial base, and foster job-creating entrepreneurial activity across the entire economy.

National Space Society
Brett Silcox
Associate Director
phone: (202) 429-1600