The 2008 presidential campaigns have given far more attention to space exploration than any other in recent memory. Whether sparked by the release of Senator Hillary Clinton’s space policy, by a citizen’s space-related question at a YouTube Republican debate, or by comments from other candidates, space exploration is now being debated on the national stage. The Space Exploration Alliance believes that this attention is a very positive development, providing us with the opportunity to show the nation the true merits of our nation’s space program.

The Space Exploration Alliance applauds Senator Hillary Clinton for releasing her comprehensive space policy and calls on all of the other presidential candidates to release the details of their policies for space exploration and NASA.

It is vital that our nation pursue an ambitious human and robotic space program. The scientific and technological benefits to our nation will be incalculable. This is particularly relevant in light of the other nations, such as China, India, and Russia, who are now challenging our superiority in space exploration and technology. Space technology and development has much to offer to the environmental and energy challenges facing our world today. Space exploration has the potential to inspire our youth to pursue the hard academic studies in mathematics and science we will require to remain competitive and move our society into the future.

The potential intellectual capital from these programs cannot be ignored. There is rarely a day that Congress and the media do not discuss the necessity to bolster our nation’s science and engineering education. Returning to the Moon and then going to Mars would be a tremendous catalyst for education, particularly in these fields. According to Space Exploration Alliance Steering Committee member Chris Carberry, “As with the Apollo program, human exploration to the Moon and Mars has the potential to dramatically impact our nation’s educational system. Sometimes you need a ‘spark’ of inspiration to motivate students to enter technical and scientific fields. This type of program can produce that ‘spark’ and allow students to be part of a program that is bigger than themselves.”

“Now is the time for presidential candidates to announce their position on NASA and space exploration,” stated Brett Silcox, Associate Director of the National Space Society. “Space exploration is of vital interest to our nation on many levels. We hope the candidates understand the power that our accelerated space programs can have and the benefits it can bring to our nation. The SEA encourages all candidates to make public their stance on space exploration.”

About the Space Exploration Alliance

The Space Exploration Alliance (SEA) is an unprecedented partnership of the nation’s premier non-profit space organizations with a combined membership of more than 700,000 people throughout the United States.

SEA members believe that the Vision is a bold and substantial mandate for human and robotic exploration of the solar system that will assure American technological and scientific preeminence in the 21st century.


National Space Society
Katherine Brick
Communications Director
Phone: (202) 429-1600