The dates for our next annual conference on the business, technology, and politics of radically cheaper access to space, Space Access ’13, are set. Conference sessions will begin 9 am Thursday April 11th and end 6 pm Saturday April 13th, 2013.

The conference site will once again be a hotel in the Phoenix Arizona metro area. We’ve narrowed it down to three suitable candidates for those dates, and we expect to select one and sign a contract in the next few weeks.

Advance conference registration is $120 (Student rate $40), mail checks to Space Access ’13, PO Box 16034, Phoenix AZ 85011. (We will have online credit card registration via our website open later this month.)

One additional announcement: We have always viewed the Space Studies Institute’s mission ( as complementary to ours, and it gives us considerable pleasure to announce that this year we will be hosting our colleagues at SSI for a half-day SSI session at SA’13.

Watch for emails with more on the conference details in the coming weeks, or keep an eye on our website,