After inspection of the Hapith I vehicle, post the September 16th launch attempt, Southern Launch and TiSPACE have concluded that we won’t continue with any further launch attempts of this particular vehicle.

Lloyd Damp, Southern Launch CEO said, “This test launch vehicle may not have taken Australia to space, however it has provided our teams with valuable data and insights, which will lead TiSPACE in refining their launch vehicle capabilities further, and Southern Launch with the vibration and noise data needed to support the major development of the Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex.

We thank the Australian Space Agency, the Government of South Australia, and the emergency services for their support of the VS01 test launch campaign. And, we thank all of the businesses and individuals who went above and beyond in their assistance to our teams during the test launch.”

The Southern Launch team are now underway preparing for the next two proposed test launch campaigns from the Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex.

More details to come on VS02 and VS03 test launch campaigns, proposed to be completed by 31 December 2021.


Please see link to footage below of the Southern Launch and TiSPACE teams preparing the Hapith I for the test launch. Please credit Southern Launch if you use this footage.