Received today from Alan Gabriel:

SYMPOSIUM Announcement and Call for Papers.

A 2-day COSPAR Symposium,
“Heating and Energetics of the Solar Corona and Solar Wind”,
(Cospar E2.1/D2.3), to be held in Warsaw, on the 17 and 18 July 2000,
as part of the 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly.

The meeting will address the problem of energy, mass and momentum
transport and dissipation in the solar corona. It will draw on analysis
of data from recent spacecraft: SOHO, YOHKOH, TRACE and CORONAS, as well
as related theoretical studies. The format will be based on
solicited reviews, plus contributed presentations, both oral and by

This meeting discusses the “second phase” in the analysis of data from
several major space missions, involving the more detailed and complex
interpretation required to make progress in understanding heating and
dissipation processes.

Scientific Organising Committee :

A.H. Gabriel (F) Main Scientific Organiser

P.G. Judge (USA) Deputy Organiser (Comm. E)

J. Karpen (USA)Deputy Organiser (Comm D)

F. Bely-Dubau (F) Scientific Editor

E. Antonucci (I)

V. Oraevsky (Russia)

B. Fleck (ESA)

R. Howard (USA)

T. Kosugi (Japan) (rep. of ISAS)

J.-Y. Prado (F)

Abstracts are invited for both oral and poster presentation.
Instructions for the submission of abstracts can be found
on the COSPAR Copernicus web page :

The official COSPAR deadline for abstracts is the 10 January 2000. However we
will be prepared to accept abstracts up to the 31 January 2000. This involves
some small risk that they may not be included in the official COSPAR printed
abstract booklet, but I hope it will still be possible.


Main Scientific Organiser

email :

tel : (33) (1) 69 85 85 10

fax : (33) (1) 69 85 86 75

Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale

Batiment 121, Universite Paris XI

91405 ORSAY Cedex, France.