SOHO-11: From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO

– A Symposium dedicated to Roger M. Bonnet –

Date: 11-15 March 2002

Venue: Congress Center in Davos, Switzerland


Objective of the Workshop:

The twelve instruments on board the SOHO spacecraft have been observing
the Sun, the corona, and the heliosphere from the Sun-Earth Lagrange
point, L1, since 1996. Observations cover the entire ascending part of
activity cycle 23, from the minimum in 1996 through its maximum in
2000, allowing research of activity-related variations spanning from
the deep interior to the heliosphere.

The wide range of diagnostic tools offered by the different instruments
allow an unprecedented study of the interrelation between different
activity mechanisms. Combining observations from different instruments
and comparing with theoretical studies, a better understanding of the
underlying mechanisms is now possible. This is not only important for
the advancement of solar physics, but also a necessary ingredient in
the study of the influence of a varying Sun on the Earth’s environment
and climate.

This workshop will present the current knowledge about our varying
star, and provide a platform for inter-experiment exchange of
scientific results and their interpretation, stimulating
cross-fertilization among the different areas of solar physics
representing the SOHO experiments. Participation is anticipated from
the wider SOHO community and scientists from related solar and
astrophysics fields.

Format of the Workshop:

We will have invited talks of 40 minutes, contributed oral
presentations of 20 minutes and posters. They are organized in topical
sessions covering the solar core to the heliosphere at 1 AU with no
parallel sessions. There will be enough room for all posters to be
presented throughout the meeting. Topical poster sessions will be
scheduled with either an introduction by a rapporteur or very short
presentations by the authors and enough time to view and discuss the

The Workshop will start on Monday 11 March 2002 at 14h00 and end on
Friday 15 March 12h00. There will be a welcome Reception on Monday
evening and a Symposium Dinner on Thursday night.

Scientific Organizing Committee:

The SOC is composed of the twelve SOHO PIs (Jean-Loup Bertaux, Peter
Bochsler, Jean-Pierre Delaboudiniere, Claus Fröhlich, Alan Gabriel,
Richard Harrison, Russ Howard, John Kohl, Horst Kunow, Phil Scherrer,
Jarmo Torsti, Klaus Wilhelm) and the two Project Scientists (Bernhard
Fleck and Joe Gurman) and is chaired by Claus Fröhlich.

Questions concerning the scientific program should be address to

Local Organizing Committee:

The LOC is chaired by Werner Schmutz, Director of PMOD/WRC, which
hosts the Symposium. He is supported by staff members of the
Institute and personnel from the Congress Center Davos.

Questions concerning the logistics should be addressed to