First Announcement

29 September – 3 October 2003
Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain

Objectives of the Workshop

Observations obtained by SOHO and TRACE have provided with a wealth of
information about oscillations, waves and small scale dynamic events in the
solar atmosphere, fostering many theoretical developments. Owing to this
notable extensive development in observations and theory, time is now ripe
for a joint SOHO – TRACE meeting on this topic. The aim of the Workshop is
to bring together solar observers and theorists to take stock of where we
stand and to identify key opportunities and challenges for future
developments in this rapidly expanding field of “coronal seismology”.

Calendar of Events

  • 31 January 2003 Preliminary registration deadline
  • 28 February 2003 Second Announcement with Preliminary Scientific Program
  • 28 February 2003 Early Bird Rate
  • 31 May 2003 Abstracts submission deadline
  • 31 May 2003 Registration deadline
  • 30 June Final Announcement with Scientific Program
  • 31 July 2003 Hotel reservation deadline

The pre-registration should be done online at where, in
a few days, a webpage devoted to the meeting will be set up.

Scientific Organising Committee (SOC)

Jose Luis Ballester (Spain), Mats Carlsson (Norway), Werner Curdt (MPAe,
Germany), Robert Erdelyi (Chair, UK), Bernhard Fleck (Co- Chair, ESA),
Marcel Goossens (K.U.L., Belgium) Joe Gurman (GSFC, USA), Richard Harrison
(RAL, UK), John L. Kohl (CfA, USA), Karel Schrijver (LMSAL, USA) Alan Title
(TBC, Co-Chair, LMSAL, USA), Marco Velli (Italy), Jean-Claude Vial (IAS,

Local Organising Committee (LOC)

Jose Luis Ballester (Chair), Ramon Oliver, Marc Carbonell, Inigo Arregui,
Antonio Diaz

For more information you may contact Robert Erdelyi at .