Strategic News Service (SNS) has selected NovaWurks as a 2016 FiReStarter company to be featured at the 14th annual Future in Review (FiRe) conference. FiRe 2016 will take place September 27-30, 2016, at the Stein Eriksen Lodge Deer Valley in Park City, Utah.

Described by The Economist as “the best technology conference in the world,” FiRe features global thought leaders in technology and the global economy, including Elon Musk, Craig Venter, Michael Dell, Vint Cerf, Leroy Hood, Elena Polyakova, Mark Hurd, Paul Jacobs, Cory Doctorow, Kamran Elahian, Ken Goldman, Dharmendra Modha, and many others. FiReStarters are selected based on the strength of their potential to bring positive change to the world and are showcased at the FiRe conference, in panels throughout the event, and with ongoing relationships introduced and supported by SNS.

NovaWurks is a provider of high-technology space products and services and the producer of the world’s only biologically inspired spacecraft. With NovaWurks’ breakthrough technology, HISat™-based platforms enable colleges and universities, commercial ventures, and agencies to envision and deploy affordable spacecraft built around their own payloads. The HISat “stem-cell-like” technology, developed in under three years, is unlike any other in the aerospace industry, providing production-line quality, rapid assembly, dynamic configuration, high resiliency, and lower costs. NovaWurks is positioned to become the choice among space innovators and adventurers who demand quality, flexibility, and performance on a cost-conscience budget.

NovaWurks’ team of scientists, engineers, educators, and artists invent, design, and create a broad range of innovations for customers, leveraging extensive and diverse backgrounds in spaceflight, education, consulting, and research work with decades of experience in managing complex, visionary projects for institutions and businesses of all sizes to realize their dreams of space applications and discovery.

“NovaWurks believes that everyone should have access to the latest tools and apps for the exploration and understanding of our planet and the surrounding universe. Now for the first time, Space is for Everyone!” said Talbot Jaeger, Founder and Chief Technologist of NovaWurks.

“The first time you see what NovaWurks has re-imagined for the new design of satellites, you think, ‘That’s amazing!’ The second time, you ask yourself, ‘Why aren’t all satellites made this way?’ I expect they will be. We are delighted to have NovaWurks with us as a FiReStarter this year and hope that other design teams are inspired by its work to include biological principles in the most advanced systems,” said Mark Anderson, FiRe Chair and CEO of the Strategic News Service.

Future in Review (FiRe) is a gathering of world-class speakers and other participants, convened each year with the goal of providing the most accurate look forward in technology. FiRe is a world leader in exploring how technology drives the world economy and in using technology to solve major social challenges. These goals have been consistently achieved through FiRe’s collaborations across technology-driven industries and through active support from the global FiRe community.

To register for FiRe 2016, go to

About Strategic News Service

Strategic News Service was founded by Mark Anderson in 1995 as the first subscription-based online news service. Since its inception, SNS has proven the most accurate predictive report covering technology and the global economy. Its subscribers include top managers at technology and finance companies across the globe, including Oracle, Microsoft, HP, Dell, Cisco, Intel, Google, British Telecom, SpaceX,, Telstra, and others.

SNS has been operating the annual Future in Review (FiRe) conference since 2003. FiRe exposes world experts and participants to new ideas, and conversations about them, producing an accurate portrait of the future; and focuses on creating technology solutions to current local and global problems. FiRe 2016 will take place September 27-30, 2016, at the Stein Eriksen Lodge Deer Valley in Park City, Utah. For more information and to register, go to

Future in Review™ is a Strategic News Service™ conference. Future in Review and Strategic News Service (SNS) are registered international trademarks. The “SNS Global Report” is the most accurate publicly ranked predictive newsletter in computing and communications.
