Mark Shuttleworth, the first South African private astronaut, will put a few small packets of Final Frontier Jerky in the pocket of his spacesuit before he climbs into the Soyuz spacecraft that will launch him to the International Space Station on Thursday, April 25th.

Shuttleworth did not have time to have the beef jerky officially manifested for his flight, so he volunteered to attempt to “smuggle” a small amount aboard his Soyuz spacecraft in the pocket of his spacesuit.

Mark taste-tested the black pepper flavor beef jerky and responded to via email, “This is the best beef jerky I ever ate. I’m partial to South African biltong, but your beef jerky is really very good.”

In February 2002, emailed Shuttleworth inviting him to sample Final Frontier Jerky for his consideration to carry it on his historic spaceflight to the International Space Station. Mark is the second private astronaut ever to fly to Space.

In a friendly reply, Mark agreed to sample’s flagship product and graciously provided his shipping address at the Yuri Gagarin Spaceflight Training Center in Star City, Russia.

In 1995 the domain was originally acquired by FreshMade Meat Products, a subsidiary of Orbital Development, ( Drawing on Orbital Development’s extensive contacts and experience in the space industry, developed, implemented, and continues with their Space marketing program.

Media attention to’s Space Program has helped to establish and expand Internet mindshare of the domain and increase the sales volume of Final Frontier Jerky. Competing for attention head-to-head with the “commercial” space programs of giant corporations like Pepsi-Cola and Pizza Hut, has consistently gained excellent media presence around the world with their low-cost achievements in Space marketing.

Working with NASA Marshall Space Flight Center personnel for testing and approvals, Final Frontier Jerky was selected by the astronaut crew and flew aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis STS-79 flight on September 16th, 1996. A few days later, the shuttle docked at Mir Space station where Final Frontier Jerky was shared by both crews.

On May 20th, 2001 Final Frontier Jerky again rocketed to space, this time aboard a Russian Progress freighter bound for the International Space Station. Upon an ISS flight crewmember’s personal request, the beef jerky treat was included in the “personal mass allowance” that each astronaut family is given for each launch opportunity.

On April 25th, 2002 Final Frontier Jerky will leave Earth for a third time, in the pocket of Mark Shuttleworth’s spacesuit. A South African citizen, Mark is the second private astronaut to ever fly to space. continues to seek additional space flight opportunities for Final Frontier Jerky.